Saturday, February 17, 2007
Dr. Gertmenian's list of 100 books set to Kindle and vendor search
This term I am taking Dr. Gertmenian for Economics. I am finally in the class I fought so hard to get into. A couple of weeks back, Dr. G referred to a list of 100 books that every educated person should read as they will be referred to throughout their professional career in some shape or form.
I found where the list was maintained in the class' Yahoo Technical Groups and put together a small procedure that set the book titles as searches into EBAY's site. is a terrific market for buying books if you are not in a terrific hurry to receive them. My recommendation is when selecting a seller, find one with a high rating and close to you. Most sellers have their locations listed. Avoid any seller below a 97% rating.
Most links below are searches on the general phrase AUTHOR/Title, some variations will exist, but since some of the variations had interesting options (especially on the harder titles), I left the additional results rather than going to the specific title Dr. G recommended. Where ever possible, I included references to free versions of text (e.g. the National Archive for the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, bible gateway for books of the gospel and USC for the Qur'an)
Note that I have updated this list on so that there are more web 2.0 features and information avaailble on each title. You can view the list without becoming a member or you can become a member and add your own comments adn keep track of your progress.
ANOTHER NOTE IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING A KINDLE: Many of the books on the list are beyond their copyright and are public domain. If you ever considered getting an Amazon Kindle, this is the perfect opportunity. Most public domain books can be downloaded for free and their text to speech functionality is enabled. Only a few of the books are not available on Kindle, or if still copyrighted, the publisher is being very greedy with the digital rights. So books like these fall to the bottom of my priority list.
Dr. Gertmenian's List of 100 books:
35 Completed as of 12/2/2010
ADLER How to Read a Book
* READ FIRST (Completed 7/15/2007)
BUNYAN Pilgrim's Progress
(Completed 9/26/2010)
BURTON Arabian Nights
CAESAR Gallic War Commentaries
+ VIRGIL Aeneid
TWAIN Huckleberry Finn
(Completed 9/25/2010)
VERNE Twenty Thousand Leagues
(Completed 10/26/2010)
(Completed 11/4/2013)
WILDE The Picture of Dorian Gray
(Completed 6/26/2010)
I found where the list was maintained in the class' Yahoo Technical Groups and put together a small procedure that set the book titles as searches into EBAY's site. is a terrific market for buying books if you are not in a terrific hurry to receive them. My recommendation is when selecting a seller, find one with a high rating and close to you. Most sellers have their locations listed. Avoid any seller below a 97% rating.
Most links below are searches on the general phrase AUTHOR/Title, some variations will exist, but since some of the variations had interesting options (especially on the harder titles), I left the additional results rather than going to the specific title Dr. G recommended. Where ever possible, I included references to free versions of text (e.g. the National Archive for the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, bible gateway for books of the gospel and USC for the Qur'an)
Note that I have updated this list on so that there are more web 2.0 features and information avaailble on each title. You can view the list without becoming a member or you can become a member and add your own comments adn keep track of your progress.

As of July 27, 2010, I have included a kiss of death
icon for any book that either is not published for the Kindle, published, but has it's "Text-to-Speech" (TTS) disabled, costs an exorbitant amount or is not available in the United States in a digital format. Other means may be able to get this book electronically, but in my opinion, these authors and publishers have to wake up and smell the 21st Century. This area of publishing is dynamic, so if you happen to find that one of these books becomes acceptably available, please let me know. I will still read these books, but they are on the bottom of my list for when my Kindle becomes obsolete by the newest whiz bang technology.

For those that are available on the Kindle, an
icon has been used with a link to the Kindle Store search where you can choose the version that best suits your needs.

Dr. Gertmenian's List of 100 books:
35 Completed as of 12/2/2010

AUSTEN Pride and Prejudice
(Completed 10/17/2010)
BALDWIN The Fire Next Time
and Matthew (Completed 10/16/2010) +
Chapter 47 (Completed 7/16/2010)

BALDWIN The Fire Next Time

BURTON Arabian Nights

CAESAR Gallic War Commentaries

CAMUS The Stranger 
CARLYLE On Heroes and Hero Worship
CARROLL Alice in Wonderland
(Completed 6/21/2010)

CARLYLE On Heroes and Hero Worship

CERVANTES Don Quixote 
CHAUCER Canterbury Tales
CHURCHILL Blood, Sweat, and Tears
(Completed 9/11/2009)+
SUNTZU The Art of War
(Completed 9/18/2009)

CHAUCER Canterbury Tales

CHURCHILL Blood, Sweat, and Tears

(Completed 12/2/2010)
COOPER Last of the Mohicans
CRANE Red Badge of Courage
DANA Two Years Before the Mast
(Completed 11/9/2009)

COOPER Last of the Mohicans

CRANE Red Badge of Courage

DOSTOYEVSKY Crime and Punishment 
DOYLE Sherlock Holmes
(Completed 11/18/2009) +
COLLINS The Moonstone
(Completed 12/1/2009)

DURANT Story of Philosophy
(No TTS)
EINSTEIN Evolution of Physics
ELIOT Silas Marner
(Completed 2/24/2010)

EINSTEIN Evolution of Physics

ELIOT Silas Marner

FAULKNER The Sound and the Fury 
FLAUBERT Madame Bovary
FITZGERALD The Great Gatsby
FORSTER A Passage to India
FRANKLIN Autobiography
(Completed 7/27/2010) + SCHWEITZER My Life and Thoughts 

FLAUBERT Madame Bovary

FITZGERALD The Great Gatsby

FORSTER A Passage to India

HALE Man Without a Country
HAMILTON + MADISON Federalist Papers
+ The U.S. Constitution 

HALE Man Without a Country

HAMILTON + MADISON Federalist Papers

HARRIS I'm OK -- You're OK 
HAWTHORNE Scarlet Letter
HEILBRONER Worldly Philosophers
(No TTS) (Completed 2/20/2007)

HAWTHORNE Scarlet Letter

HEMINGWAY Farewell to Arms
(No TTS)HUDSON Green Mansions 
HUGO Les Misérables
(Currently Reading)
HUXLEY Brave New World
(Completed 7/22/2007)

HUGO Les Misérables

JOYCE Portrait of the Artist 
KELLER Story of My Life
KENNEDY Profiles in Courage
KHAYYAM The Rubaiyat 
KIPLING Captains Courageous
LONDON Call of the Wild
(Completed 10/1/2009)

KELLER Story of My Life

KENNEDY Profiles in Courage

KIPLING Captains Courageous

MILL On Liberty 
MILLER Death of a Salesman
MILTON Paradise Lost
(Completed 11/22/2010)MICHENER Tales of the South Pacific
MOLIERE Misanthrope 
MOORE Utopia
ORCZY Scarlet Pimpernel
ORWELL Animal Farm
(Completed 10/25/2009)

MILLER Death of a Salesman

MOORE Utopia

ORCZY Scarlet Pimpernel

POE Tales 
POPE Essay on Man
RAND Atlas Shrugged
($18.99) (Completed 9/17/2010)
SAROYAN Human Comedy
SCOTT Ivanhoe 
SHELLEY Frankenstein
(Completed 7/1/2010)+
STOKER Dracula
(Completed 7/16/2010)

POPE Essay on Man

SAROYAN Human Comedy



SHAW Pygmalion 
STEINBECK Grapes of Wrath
STEVENSON Treasure Island
STOWE Uncle Tom's Cabin
SWIFT Gulliver's Travels
(Completed 9/1/2007)


STEINBECK Grapes of Wrath

STEVENSON Treasure Island

STOWE Uncle Tom's Cabin

SWIFT Gulliver's Travels



WILLIAMS Streetcar Named Desire
(Completed 8/13/2012)
Honorable Mention:
SEUSS Oh, The Places You’ll Go
(Completed 12/31/71)

Honorable Mention:

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Jack, thanks for posting this list. I've been looking for a convenient place to find it. At some point we need to get it transferred over to Amazon as well.
(currently a TA for Dr. G)
(currently a TA for Dr. G)
I have now updated the list and published it on where it has more functionality and feedback opportunities...
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